AWS/Ansible – Provision a Lightsail instance using Infrastructure as Code

Note: This article has been duplicated from the previous article which uses Terraform and has been modified for Ansible.

AWS has introduced Lightsail to compete with Digital Ocean, Linode, etc. for an inexpensive VPS (Virtual Private Server) offering.

In this article we will use Ansible (Infrastructure as Code) to swiftly bring up an AWS Lightsail instance in us-east-1 on a dynamic IP and install docker/docker-compose on it.

We will use ‘myweb’ as an example in this article, using the same base path of ‘dev’ that was previously created, the container-admin group and using ~/.local/bin|lib for the binaries/libraries.

Please use ‘Get started with Lightsail for free’ prior to commencing with this article.

Go in to the dev directory/link located within your home directory:

$ cd ~/dev

Upgrade the AWS CLI on your host:

$ pip3 install awscli --upgrade --user && chmod 754 ~/.local/bin/aws

Install/Upgrade Ansible:

$ pip3 install ansible --upgrade --user && chmod 754 ~/.local/bin/ansible ~/.local/bin/ansible-playbook

Install/Upgrade Boto3:

$ pip3 install boto3 --upgrade --user

Create a work folder and change in to it:

$ mkdir -p ansible/myweb/scripts && cd ansible/myweb

Add an IAM Policy to the container-admin group so it will have access to the Lightsail API:
AWS UI Console -> Services -> Security, Identity, & Compliance -> IAM -> Policies -> Create Policy -> JSON (replace <AWS ACCOUNT ID> in the Resource arn with your Account’s ID (shown under the top right drop-down (of your name) within the My Account page next to the Account Id: under Account Settings)):

     "Version": "2012-10-17",
     "Statement": [
             "Effect": "Allow",
             "Action": [
             "Resource": "*"         
             "Effect": "Allow",
             "Action": "lightsail:",
             "Resource": [
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:StaticIp/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:ExportSnapshotRecord/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:Instance/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:CloudFormationStackRecord/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:RelationalDatabaseSnapshot/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:RelationalDatabase/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:InstanceSnapshot/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:Domain/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:LoadBalancer/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:KeyPair/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:Disk/*"

Review Policy ->

Name: AllowLightsail
Description: Allow access to Lightsail.

Create Policy.

Groups -> container-admin -> Attach Policy -> Search for AllowLightsail -> Attach Policy.

Generate an SSH Key Pair (no password) and restrict permissions on it:

$ ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -b 2048 -N '' -f ~/.ssh/myweb && chmod 400 ~/.ssh/myweb

Import the public key to Lightsail:

$ aws lightsail import-key-pair --key-pair-name myweb --public-key-base64 file://~/.ssh/

Create a hosts file and specify localhost:

$ cat << 'EOF' > hosts
> [local]
> localhost

Create a micro instance based off of Ubuntu 18_04 and reference an extraneous file for user_data (run once script on Virtual Machine boot):

$ cat << 'EOF' > lightsail.yml
> # Create a new AWS Lightsail instance, register the instance details and add a way to destroy it
> ---
> - hosts: local
>   connection: local
>   tasks:
>     - lightsail:
>         state: present
>         name:
>         region: us-east-1
>         zone: us-east-1a
>         blueprint_id: ubuntu_18_04
>         bundle_id: micro_2_0
>         key_pair_name: myweb
>         user_data: "{{ lookup('file', './scripts/') }}"
>         wait_timeout: 500
>       register: myweb
>     - debug: msg="Public IP is {{ myweb.instance.public_ip_address }} for {{ }}"
>       when: myweb.instance.public_ip_address is defined
>     - debug: msg="Run this playbook for {{ }} shortly to list the Public IP."
>       when: myweb.instance.public_ip_address is not defined
>     - lightsail:
>         state: absent
>         name:
>         region: us-east-1
>       tags: [ 'never', 'destroy' ]

Create the shell script for user_data:

$ cat << 'EOF' > scripts/
> #!/bin/bash
> MY_HOME="/home/ubuntu"
> export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
> # Install prereqs
> apt update
> apt install -y python3-pip apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
> # Install docker
> curl -fsSL | apt-key add -
> add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
> apt update
> apt install -y docker-ce
> # Install docker-compose
> su ubuntu -c "mkdir -p $MY_HOME/.local/bin"
> su ubuntu -c "pip3 install docker-compose --upgrade --user && chmod 754 $MY_HOME/.local/bin/docker-compose"
> usermod -aG docker ubuntu
> # Add PATH
> printf "\nexport PATH=\$PATH:$MY_HOME/.local/bin\n" >> $MY_HOME/.bashrc
> exit 0

Run the playbook:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts lightsail.yml

Log on to the instance (up to ~30 seconds may be needed for the attachment of the dynamic IP to the instance):

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/myweb ubuntu@<The value of public_ip_address that was reported.  One can also re-run the playbook to print it again.>

Type yes and hit enter to accept.

On the host (a short while is needed for the run-once script to complete):

$ docker --version
$ docker-compose --version
$ logout

Tear down the instance:

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts lightsail.yml --tags "destroy"




Firmware – Asuswrt-Merlin (NG) – 384.14 – RT-AC68

This is Merlin’s Asuswrt (NG) 384.14 for the ASUS RT-AC68U/R.

-sync latest changes from RMerlin (master).


Download (ASUS RT-AC68U/R):
Download: RT-AC68U_384.14_0.trx




Installation instructions:

-Flash the .trx through the UI
-After it is completed and you are returned back to the UI, wait a short while (~30 seconds) then power cycle the router (with the on/off button).

Firmware – Asuswrt-Merlin (NG) – 384.14_beta3 – RT-AC68

This is Merlin’s Asuswrt (NG) 384.14_beta3 for the ASUS RT-AC68U/R.

-sync latest changes from RMerlin (master).


Download (ASUS RT-AC68U/R):
Download: RT-AC68U_384.14_beta3.trx




Installation instructions:

-Flash the .trx through the UI
-After it is completed and you are returned back to the UI, wait a short while (~30 seconds) then power cycle the router (with the on/off button).

Firmware – Asuswrt-Merlin (NG) – 384.14_beta2 – RT-AC68

This is Merlin’s Asuswrt (NG) 384.14_beta2 for the ASUS RT-AC68U/R.

-sync latest changes from RMerlin (master).


Download (ASUS RT-AC68U/R):
Download: RT-AC68U_384.14_beta2.trx




Installation instructions:

-Flash the .trx through the UI
-After it is completed and you are returned back to the UI, wait a short while (~30 seconds) then power cycle the router (with the on/off button).

Firmware – Asuswrt-Merlin (NG) – 384.14_beta1 – RT-AC68

This is Merlin’s Asuswrt (NG) 384.14_beta1 for the ASUS RT-AC68U/R.

-sync latest changes from RMerlin (master).


Download (ASUS RT-AC68U/R):
Download: RT-AC68U_384.14_beta1.trx




Installation instructions:

-Flash the .trx through the UI
-After it is completed and you are returned back to the UI, wait a short while (~30 seconds) then power cycle the router (with the on/off button).

AWS/Terraform – Provision a Lightsail instance using Infrastructure as Code

AWS has introduced Lightsail to compete with Digital Ocean, Linode, etc. for an inexpensive VPS (Virtual Private Server) offering.

In this article we will use Terraform (Infrastructure as Code) to swiftly bring up an AWS Lightsail instance in us-east-1 on a static IP, add a DNS Zone for the site in mention and install docker/docker-compose on it.

We will use ‘myweb’ as an example in this article, using the same base path of ‘dev’ that was previously created, the container-admin group and using ~/.local/bin for the binary.

Please use ‘Get started with Lightsail for free’ prior to commencing with this article.

Go in to the dev directory/link located within your home directory:

$ cd ~/dev

Upgrade the AWS CLI on your host:

$ pip3 install awscli --upgrade --user && chmod 754 ~/.local/bin/aws

Grab Terraform:

$ wget

Install Unzip if you do not have it installed:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install unzip

Unzip it to ~/.local/bin and set permissions accordingly on it:

$ unzip -d ~/.local/bin && chmod 754 ~/.local/bin/terraform

Create a work folder and change in to it:

$ mkdir -p terraform/myweb/scripts && cd terraform/myweb

Add an IAM Policy to the container-admin group so it will have access to the Lightsail API:
AWS UI Console -> Services -> Security, Identity, & Compliance -> IAM -> Policies -> Create Policy -> JSON (replace <AWS ACCOUNT ID> in the Resource arn with your Account’s ID (shown under the top right drop-down (of your name) within the My Account page next to the Account Id: under Account Settings)):

     "Version": "2012-10-17",
     "Statement": [
             "Effect": "Allow",
             "Action": [
             "Resource": "*"         
             "Effect": "Allow",
             "Action": "lightsail:",
             "Resource": [
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:StaticIp/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:ExportSnapshotRecord/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:Instance/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:CloudFormationStackRecord/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:RelationalDatabaseSnapshot/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:RelationalDatabase/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:InstanceSnapshot/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:Domain/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:LoadBalancer/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:KeyPair/*",
                 "arn:aws:lightsail::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:Disk/*"

Review Policy ->

Name: AllowLightsail
Description: Allow access to Lightsail.

Create Policy.

Groups -> container-admin -> Attach Policy -> Search for AllowLightsail -> Attach Policy.

Generate an SSH Key Pair (no password) and restrict permissions on it:

$ ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -b 2048 -N '' -f ~/.ssh/myweb && chmod 400 ~/.ssh/myweb

Import the public key to Lightsail:

$ aws lightsail import-key-pair --key-pair-name myweb --public-key-base64 file://~/.ssh/

Set the version to greater then or equal to 2.0, interpolate the region and use the AWS CLI credentials file:

$ cat << 'EOF' >
> provider "aws" {
>   version                 = ">= 2.0"
>   region                  = "${var.region}"
>   shared_credentials_file = "~/.aws/credentials"
>   profile                 = "default"
> }

Set the default region as a variable:

$ cat << 'EOF' >
> variable "region" {
>   default = "us-east-1"
> }

Create a Lightsail DNS Zone of, allocate a static IP for it, create a micro instance based off of Ubuntu 18_04, reference an extraneous file for user_data (run once script on Virtual Machine boot), tag it and attach the allocated Static IP to it:

$ cat << 'EOF' >
> resource "aws_lightsail_domain" "myweb" {
>   domain_name = ""
> }
> resource "aws_lightsail_static_ip" "myweb" {
>   name = "static-ip_myweb"
> }
> resource "aws_lightsail_instance" "myweb" {
>   name                    = "site_myweb"
>   availability_zone       = "${var.region}a"
>   blueprint_id            = "ubuntu_18_04"
>   bundle_id               = "micro_2_0"
>   key_pair_name           = "myweb"
>   user_data               = "${data.template_file.init_script.rendered}"
>   tags = {
>         Site = ""
>     }
> }
> resource "aws_lightsail_static_ip_attachment" "myweb" {
>   static_ip_name = "${}"
>   instance_name  = "${}"
> }

Output our allocated and attached static IP after creation:

$ cat << 'EOF' >
> output "static_public_ip" {
>   value = "${aws_lightsail_static_ip.myweb.ip_address}"
> }

Create a template file to reference a run-once on boot user_data script:

$ cat << 'EOF' >
> data "template_file" "init_script" {
>   template = "${file("scripts/")}"
> }

Create the shell script for user_data:

$ cat << 'EOF' > scripts/
> #!/bin/bash
> MY_HOME="/home/ubuntu"
> export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
> # Install prereqs
> apt update
> apt install -y python3-pip apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common
> # Install docker
> curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
> add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
> apt update
> apt install -y docker-ce
> # Install docker-compose
> su ubuntu -c "mkdir -p $MY_HOME/.local/bin"
> su ubuntu -c "pip3 install docker-compose --upgrade --user && chmod 754 $MY_HOME/.local/bin/docker-compose"
> usermod -aG docker ubuntu
> # Add PATH
> printf "\nexport PATH=\$PATH:$MY_HOME/.local/bin\n" >> $MY_HOME/.bashrc
> exit 0

Initialize the directory:

$ terraform init

Run a dry-run to see what will occur:

$ terraform plan


$ terraform apply -auto-approve

Log on to the instance (up to ~30 seconds may be needed for the attachment of the static IP to the instance):

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/myweb ubuntu@<The value of static_public_ip that was reported.  One can also use 'terraform output static_public_ip' to print it again.>

Type yes and hit enter to accept.

On the host (a short while is needed for the run-once script to complete):

$ docker --version
$ docker-compose --version
$ logout

Tear down what was created by first performing a dry-run to see what will occur:

$ terraform plan -destroy 

Tear down the instance:

$ terraform destroy -auto-approve




Docker – Launch a Containerized Web Server and a PHP Processor

In this article we will use docker compose to spin up two containers. One will run a web server (Nginx) and one will run php-fpm (Hypertext Preprocessor FastCGI Process Manager). All requests for .php will be forwarded on to the php-fpm service for processing which is running in a separate container and be presented by Nginx. We will use images based off of Alpine which is a minimal Linux environment with a small footprint.

Please go through aws-azure-development-environment-setup-for-containerization prior to commencing with this article.

Change directory in to the dev/docker path located within your home directory:

$ cd ~/dev/docker

Create a directory called myweb and go in to it:

$ mkdir myweb && cd myweb

Create five directories called nginx, nginx/conf, php-fpm, src and src/web:

$ mkdir -p nginx/conf php-fpm -p src/web

Create a docker-compose.yml file like so:

$ cat << 'EOF' > docker-compose.yml
> version: '3'
> services:
>     nginx:
>         image: myweb-nginx:v1
>         build: ./nginx
>         volumes:
>             - ./src/web:/var/www/html
>         ports:
>             - 80:80
>         depends_on:
>             - php-fpm
>     php-fpm:
>         image: myweb-php-fpm:v1
>         build: ./php-fpm
>         volumes:
>             - ./src/web:/var/www/html

This sets the version to 3 for docker-compose and sets up two services called nginx and php-fpm. It will build what is inside each folder, overlay src/web in to them (so you can work independently on the content without rebuilding the container) and map port 80 (HTTP) to the inside HTTP/80 port. Nginx requires php-fpm so you denote that with a depends_on; this service will start first. The ‘image:’ will name and tag this accordingly on the docker images.

Create a Dockerfile inside nginx:

$ cat << 'EOF' > nginx/Dockerfile
> FROM nginx:stable-alpine
> COPY ./conf/default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d

Create a default.conf inside nginx/conf:

$ cat << 'EOF' > nginx/conf/default.conf
> server {
>    index index.php;
>    server_name "";
>    error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
>    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
>    root /var/www/html;
>    location ~\.php$ {
>        try_files $uri =404;
>        fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+.php)(/.+)$;
>        fastcgi_pass php-fpm:9000;
>        fastcgi_index index.php;
>        include fastcgi_params;
>        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
>        fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
>    }
> }

This will pull the stable Nginx docker image based off of Alpine and copy our default.conf in to the container. The default.conf sets up the web server to forward .php over to our container which is called ‘php-fpm’ on the default port of 9000 and sets the default index page as index.php.

Create a Dockerfile inside php-fpm:

$ cat << 'EOF' > php-fpm/Dockerfile
> FROM php:7.3-fpm-alpine

This will pull the php-fpm 7.3 docker image based off of Alpine.

Create a index.php in src/web:

$ cat << 'EOF' > src/web/index.php
> <html>
>  <head>
>   <title>Hello World - PHP Test</title>
>  </head>
>  <body>
>   <?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'; ?>
>  </body>
> </html>

Now build both containers/launch both services and send in to non-interactive mode:

$ docker-compose up -d

Now use curl to make a request:

$ curl http://localhost

You should see:

  <title>Hello World - PHP Test</title>
  <p>Hello World</p>

You can see the containers running by typing:

$ docker ps

You can list the containers:

$ docker container ls

You can stop the containers:

$ docker-compose stop

You can remove the containers:

$ docker-compose down

You can list the images:

$ docker images




Firmware – Asuswrt-Merlin (NG) – 384.13_1 – RT-AC68

This is Merlin’s Asuswrt (NG) 384.13_1 for the ASUS RT-AC68U/R.

-sync latest changes from RMerlin (384.13_1).


Download (ASUS RT-AC68U/R):
Download: RT-AC68U_384.13_1.trx




Installation instructions:

-Flash the .trx through the UI
-After it is completed and you are returned back to the UI, wait a short while (~30 seconds) then power cycle the router (with the on/off button).

Azure – Configure the CLI in the Development Environment for Containerization

In this article we will setup the Azure CLI to interact with AWS AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) and Azure ACR (Azure Container Registry)).

UI Console -> Azure Active Directory
App registrations -> New registration -> * Name: container-admin -> Supported account types: Accounts in this organizational directory only -> Register

container-admin -> Certificates & secrets -> New client secret -> Description: azure-cli ; Expires: In 1 year -> Add -> Take note of the <Client secret value>

Search for (top left): Subscriptions -> Click your subscription -> Access control (IAM) -> Add -> Add role assignment -> Role: Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster Admin Role -> Assign access to: Azure AD user, group, or service principal -> Select: (search for) container-admin -> Save

Azure Active Directory -> App registrations -> container-admin -> Overview -> Take note of the <Application (client) ID> and <Directory (tenant) ID>

 $ [[ ! -d ~/.azure ]] && mkdir ~/.azure

(Replace <Application (client) ID>, <Client secret value> and <Directory (tenant) ID> below):

$ cat << "EOF" > ~/.azure/credentials
> [container-admin]
> application_id=<Application (client) ID>
> client_secret=<Client secret value>
> directory_id=<Directory (tenant) ID>
$ chmod o-rw,g-w ~/.azure/credentials

Add a function in to your startup to parse the above file for pertinent login information as a servicePrincipal and run az login in a sub-shell when you execute it (ensure you get pertinent output regarding the Subscription):

$ cat << 'EOF' >> ~/.bashrc
> function az-login-sp() {
>         (export $(grep -v '^\[' $HOME/.azure/credentials | xargs) && az login --service-principal -u $application_id -p $client_secret --tenant $directory_id)
> }
$ . ~/.bashrc
$ az-login-sp

Ensure you get appropriate output (the value will be []):

$ az aks list

Ensure you get appropriate output (the value will be []):

$ az acr list



AWS – Configure the CLI in the Development Environment for Containerization

In this article we will setup the AWS CLI to interact with AWS EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) and AWS ECR (Elastic Container Registry)).

UI Console -> Find Services -> IAM (Manage User Access and Encryption Keys)

Users -> Add User -> aws-cli -> Access type* -> Select Programmatic Access -> Next: Permissions -> Set Permissions: Add user to group -> Create group -> Group name: container-admin -> Create group-> Next: Tags -> Key: Name ; Value: Container Admin -> Next: Review -> Create user -> Download .csv or take note of the Access key ID and Secret access key (click Show to uncover) -> Close

Policies -> Create policy -> JSON (tab) -> Copy and paste the below in to the provided box (replace <AWS ACCOUNT ID> in the Resource arn with your Account’s ID (shown under the top right drop-down (of your name) within the My Account page next to the Account Id: under Account Settings)):

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
                "arn:aws:iam::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:role/aws-service-role/",
                "arn:aws:iam::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:instance-profile/eksctl-*",
                "arn:aws:iam::<AWS ACCOUNT ID>:role/eksctl-*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "cloudformation:*",
            "Resource": "*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": "ec2:DeleteInternetGateway",
            "Resource": "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:internet-gateway/*"
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Review policy -> Name*: AllowEKS -> Description: Allows access to EKS and related. -> Create policy

Create policy -> JSON (tab) -> Copy and paste the below in to the provided box:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "*",
            "Action": [

Review policy -> Name*: AllowECR -> Description: Allows access to ECR. -> Create policy

Groups -> Click on container-admin -> Permissions (tab)
Attach Policy -> Search for AllowEKS in Filter: -> Select -> Attach Policy
Attach Policy -> Search for AllowECR in Filter: -> Select -> Attach Policy

$ mkdir ~/.aws

(Replace <AWS ACCESS KEY>/<AWS SECRET KEY> with the values given after the username creation and <AWS DEFAULT REGION> with your default region that you would like to execute in (i.e. us-east-1, us-west-2, etc.), where applicable):

$ cat << EOF > ~/.aws/credentials
> [default]
> aws_access_key_id=<AWS ACCESS KEY>
> aws_secret_access_key=<AWS SECRET KEY>
$ chmod o-rw,g-w ~/.aws/credentials
$ cat << EOF > ~/.aws/config
> [default]
$ chmod og-w ~/.aws/config

Ensure you get appropriate output (the value will be [] for “clusters”:):

$ aws eks list-clusters

Ensure you get appropriate output (the value will be [] for “repositories”:):

$ aws ecr describe-repositories

